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UPDATE:New Resident Evil Afterlife Poster!

Check this hot shot out of Milla Jovovich in full blown action in what is sure to be the most succesful Video Game turned movie franchise to date: Resident Evil!
The below image is from Resident Evil: Afterlife, which is the 4th movie in the bashed upon Resident Evil franchise. Even though fanboys and internet journalists beat hell out of the Resident Evil franchise we all keep going to see these movies at the theater or renting them. Which in turn keeps these yahoos making Resident Evil movies. One has to note, this is probably the most successful Video Game Movie Franchise to date. Some of you might cry out responding 'But J-Man the Resident Evil movies sucked!" I say to you, 'Your right, kinda, but money talks and bull...well you know the rest!'



Hellz YeZZZ!
LEEE777 - 6/24/2010, 9:14 AM

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